All Problems

TuneSpan shows wrong MediaType

Solved Christian M. TuneSpan Comments: 19 Reply 8 years ago by Wonsuk W.
6 votes

Empty Formatting Bar in Big Sur

Submitted Bill C. NoteAway Comments: 8 Reply 2 years ago by Mr G.
4 votes

Google Chrome can't maximize window

Not a Problem SizeWell Comments: 2 Reply 12 years ago by Pico M.
3 votes

Showing Apps as Music and already deleted podcasts

Solved Hansson TuneSpan Comments: 6 Reply 7 years ago by Pico M.
3 votes

Tunespan does not load-open in macOS Sierra 10.12

Submitted Mark S. TuneSpan Comments: 4 Reply 7 years ago by Pico M.
3 votes

Tune Span with TV Shows

Solved openid TuneSpan Comments: 4 Reply 12 years ago by mtamedeo
2 votes

Available Space is 0 bytes although plenty free

Solved JD TuneSpan Comments: 10 Reply 5 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes

SizeWell and Netbeans 7 !!!

Solved George G. SizeWell Comments: 7 Reply 12 years ago by dabruceski
2 votes

Does not works with Firefox

Solved Korri ❄. SizeWell Comments: 3 Reply 12 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes

Tunespan crashes on Span

Known Ian TuneSpan Comments: 2 Reply 9 years ago by Ian
2 votes

SizeWell not running for Finder on computer restart

Solved NeeWee SizeWell Comments: 3 Reply 12 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes
2 votes

SizeWell 0.7b1 disabled but loading

Not a Problem Graham P. SizeWell Comments: 1 Reply 13 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes

Show and season being stripped from filename...

Solved lapomme00 TuneSpan Comments: 7 Reply 9 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes

Tunespan wont work after initial use

Solved Barry P. TuneSpan Comments: 8 Reply 9 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes
2 votes

Span button does nothing

Solved Steven D. TuneSpan Comments: 5 Reply 10 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes

Tunespan 1.1 needs minutes to start. everytime!

Solved Dennis K. TuneSpan Comments: 7 Reply 11 years ago by Pico M.
2 votes

Tunespan Error on Opening

Not a Problem Simon A. TuneSpan Comments: 3 Reply 11 years ago by Pico M.
1 vote

NoteAway memory usage

Known Bob E. NoteAway Comments: 1 Reply 9 years ago by Pico M.
1 vote
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