Tunespan wont work after initial use

Barry Parham shared this problem 10 years ago

After first use, TuneSpan hangs when loading, at "Preparing Tunespan Interface." OS X Activity Monitor shows the application as "Not Responding." Attempted a Force Quit but the application hangs again each time I try to start.

Please advise.

Replies (8)


I am seeing the same issue here after 1.5 years of flawless work.

I don't know if the recent 10.9.4 update is involved.

If you would like a sample dump from Activity Monitor, I can provide one.

Edit: I deleted the ~/Library/Containers/com.randomapps... folder and now starts working again.


I went a bit more drastic -- deleted the app and reinstalled it from the App Store -- and now everything is cool again.


Thanks for getting in touch, I'm very sorry for my delayed response. I was out in the woods with no service.

I'm sorry you ran into an issue, but I'm glad you got it working again. But, it's unfortunate you had to take drastic measures. Did you save a copy of your old TuneSpan Container folder? There may be a clue as to what happened in there.

Also, in that folder was your TuneSpan Library file which kept track of what has been spanned and restored. You should see know that you're spanned tracks do not have blue dots next to them in the list. It's not the end of the world or anything, the files are still where you put them.

It's just that if you wanted to restore these tracks, TuneSpan wouldn't have a record of their original location.

If you would like to mark your spanned tracks as "Spanned" in TuneSpan, you can highlight all the files on your external drive (or wherever) in the track list and right-click them and go into the "Force Span / Restore" submenu and select "Force Span..." that will mark them all as spanned and set the original location to the current default iTunes Library folder.


Thank for responding Pico.

I know in my case I had originally saved my TuneSpan Container folder, but after it became operational again I ditched it.

Good point about the restore information, but at least in my case that isn't so important. All HDs are duplicated on other HDs and Tunespan's main feature for me is keeping iTunes videos off the internal SSD.


I'm having the exact same problem "Preparing TuneSpan interface" and I'm running iTunes 11.3. Weird thing is I am pretty sure it was working with iTunes 11.3 at least one or two launches at least.

Thanks for any insight. My drive with my spans on it died and I found out too late that the backups I run didn't include my span drive. So right now, TuneSpan is/was a huge help since it shows the missing tracks and makes it easier to know what I need to find again.




I believe this may be an issue with loading artwork in TuneSpan.

I'll need to make some changes in code and release a minor update to fix it, but in the mean time you should be able to run TuneSpan without album artwork in the browser.

Here are two terminal commands to hide album artwork in TuneSpan...

To run these, first, makes sure TuneSpan is not running, then open the Terminal application (in /Applications/Utilities/) and paste the following line and hit enter.

defaults write com.randomapplications.TuneSpan TSShowAlbumArtworkInBrowser -bool false

Then, do the same with this command:

defaults write com.randomapplications.TuneSpan TSTrackListSmartColumnShowsArtwork -bool false

Please let me know if you can launch TuneSpan after running these commands.


Hi again, I'm working on a minor update to fix this issue. I think I've got it sorted out, but it would be helpful to have some testers check it out before release.

If you're interested in trying out a testing version before release, please email me directly a or with one of the Contact Developer links in the app.


TuneSpan 1.2.1 which fixes this bug, along with adding other nice new features and improvements is now available on the Mac App Store :-)

After you install TuneSpan 1.2.1, you can turn back on all album artwork with the following commands:

defaults write com.randomapplications.TuneSpan TSShowAlbumArtworkInBrowser -bool true

defaults write com.randomapplications.TuneSpan TSTrackListSmartColumnShowsArtwork -bool true

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