NoteAway:Keep note selected even when closed

Bill White shared this idea 11 years ago

In NoteAway, how do I keep the currently selected note open? Currently when I select a note, then close the NoteAway dropdown, the editor is cleared on reopening. I want to keep a note selected, even when I reopen the dropdown.

Replies (7)


Currently, there is no way to keep a note selected between closing and reopening NoteAway. It's the built in behavior to always start a new note.

But, this feature has already been requested once, and now you're requesting it as well. I am working on NoteAway as we speak. I'll look into incorporating this feature into the next minor NoteAway update, but it may take another update depending on if there turn out to be some side effects that need to be sorted out.


I have made the necessary changes in the NoteAway source to keep the last note selected after you reopen NoteAway.

It will be available an optional setting available in the "Note List Options" menu, but I won't be adding the option the the Preferences window at first... just an extra menu option that I could add it to the preferences later on if it becomes a widely used feature.

It will be available in 1.0.1 which should be out in the next week or two (or three?).


That's great! Thanks for the quick response! Very impressive!


Any updates on the 1.0.1 release? Still haven't seen it come down via the app store yet...


Thanks for checking back in, sorry I didn't follow up on this.

What was gonna be NoteAway 1.0.1 has snowballed into a big NoteAway 1.1 update.

I should have probably gone ahead and released a minor update weeks ago, but I got carried away as I tend to do.

NoteAway 1.1 is nearly done, just putting the final touches on it and going through the motions with testings.

There are gonna be a lot of other nice improvements to NoteAway other than this one feature as well.

If you're interested in testing it out before release, I could send you a testing version with a list of changes. If you want to test it out, email me ( directly as I don't want to post any testing versions publicly on here.


cool. just sent you an email on this.


NoteAway 1.1 is now available on the Mac App Store!

In NoteAway 1.1 there is now a menu item to "Remember Note Selection" in the "Note List Options" menu when you right click the notes list.

Marking this as Implemented, thanks so much for helping to make NoteAway better!

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