Error: skipped already spanned to spanned media (drive name)

Gayle Howard shared this question 8 years ago
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Hi. I am repeatedly getting an error message: "Skipped: [File name] Already Spanned to Spanned Media on [target drive name]

I'd really love to remove these Skipped errors/notifications please. The files are on the external hard drive properly, iTunes displays and plays properly. But for some reason every single span process, I get these "skipped" notifications or errors say they've skipped those files because they're already on the target drive.

I tried to highlight those 8 files and then click on Force. I get a small noise but nothing seems to happen. When I run the span again, I get the same Skipped file messages for the same files.

Any ideas for me to try please?

Replies (12)


Thanks for getting in touch. So these tracks are not marked as Spanned in TuneSpan? And TuneSpan only beeps when you try to Force Span them?

Would you mind sending me a screenshot of these tracks in question in TuneSpan?


Attached screenshot.

When I do a span, this is what happens (attached) and beeps saying 0 of 5 tracks spanned.

The error message says they are already on the spanned drive (which they are).

They play just fine on iTunes. But continually get these skipped errors.

When I highlight and click "force" I get a soft "clunk" sound.


Thanks for this. Would you mind also sending a screenshot of the tracks in the normal track listing in TuneSpan? Wanting to see whether or not they are already marked as Spanned internally in TuneSpan.


Not entirely sure if this is what you mean but have taken a snap of the entire app. Can see Divorce on the left and on the right under spanned.


Sorry for the misunderstanding. Need to see these tracks in that main list in the center of the window to see whether or not they have the blue dots like the rest of the tracks in the list. Could you scroll down to them and send another screenshot?


Please accept my apologies Pico. Yes they all have blue dots.


Everything has been spanned and has blue dots.


No worries. Thanks so much for confirming this. Very strange indeed that they are being spanned and then skipped. They should be ignored from the span to begin with.

One thing I can think of that may correct this is to Force Restore these tracks, and then when that is complete, Force Span them. Then if they are still included in a span, I'll need to dig deeper into this.


Ok. So I force restored. They still stayed on the external disk and they did not go back to the iTunes folder on the hard disk.

However, they were marked with orange dots.

I spanned and got the same Skipped error again.

Then I "Force Spanned" them. The dots are again blue. But when i span, the Skipped error remains.


Alright, how about trying to actually restore them, and then re-span them?

(not just the Force, which only updates how they are marked in the TuneSpan database)


Ok. So did a restore. Everything went back to ITunes on the HDD perfectly.

Once they were there, Spanned. All items ticked Green and went back to the external drive perfectly.

Decided to check, by doing another span. Expected to see the note that tells me nothing new is there to span, but no, it allowed me to span.

Spanned again -- and Skipped message popped up again.

PS...I noticed that I restored 8 tracks (the whole season) and it is only giving Skipped errors on 5.


Thanks so much for trying this stuff to rule simple things out. It sounds like you've definitely found an issue that needs to be looked into further. It's very good that you noticed that you restored and spanned 8 tracks, but only 5 are having this issue. This means that there must be something that about just these 5 tracks that is confusing the code.

If I had to guess without looking through the code, I'd say that this may be an issue with them all having the same name. One part of the code isn't checking for every possible rename of a file, but then when the span is performed, the code to rename the files is taking affect and finding that the files are already spanned.

You're first screenshot of the TuneSpan window showing the different filenames give more evidence of this situation. It's the files whose names have " 1" - " 5" appended onto them that are having the issue.

This is something that I would need to work on in the code, but if you want to work around it immediately, I believe you should be able to resolve this by simply renaming the tracks in iTunes. You could name them with their episode numbers or something like that so that they are all unique.

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