Video in "Trash"-Folder can not be found

Lothar Buettner shared this question 4 years ago
Need Answer

Hi Pico,

I am sill using TuneSpan with iTunes on macOS Mojave. When I try to span a specific video, which according to TuneSpan and iTunes is located in a folder called "Trash", TuneSpan can not find it (see screenshots attached). I also do not find this folder and not the video. But if TuneSpan recognises this file, it should be somewhere. Do you have an idea, how and where to find it?

Thanks and best,


Replies (1)


I'm sorry to say that just because a track is still listed in iTunes and TuneSpan is not a guarantee that the file still exists.

Since iTunes was last aware of the file when it was in your Trash, that is a decent sign that the file was probably deleted at some point.

If you can't find the file by searching your computer using Spotlight, I'm sorry to say there there is no more clue as to where the file may be in the info that iTunes has and TuneSpan is displaying.

If you'd like the track to no longer show up in iTunes and TuneSpan, you can simply delete it from iTunes and then it will be gone in TuneSpan as well next time you launch or reload TuneSpan.

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