Upgrade to Mojave first, then span iTunes?

Timothy Rueger shared this question 4 years ago
Need Answer

I'm upgrading my MacBook Pro 9,2 to Mojave (10.14), and also planning to span my library using a second internal SSD (OWC DataDoubler).

Which should I do first, upgrade the OS, then span, or the other way around? Or should it not make a difference?

Thank you!

Replies (2)


In general, it shouldn't make a difference in this case.

Although, if your intern drive is already low on space, doing the span before the system update may be wise.


Thank you for the quick answer!

I agree clearing space beforehand is a good idea. I have about 100G still free on the main drive, so hopefully that won't be an issue for me.

It sounds like there aren't any low-level filesystem issues I need to worry about, like transitioning to APFS if that should be needed.


With 100 GB free, it sounds like you should be fine to do it in whichever order you prefer.

APFS made no difference to how TuneSpan functioned.


That's what I would have thought. Thank you again!

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