Relink Tunespan to renamed spanned iTunes TV show files

Tech Addict shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Not sure of the best way to do this. I have spanned all my TV show media off to another drive. By default though iTunes will give an episode a file name like this:

## Episode Name.m4v

I use other applications as well to playback media and they cannot use those file names as they can't pick up the show name or season. So I've had to go through and rename them all:

Show Name - S0#E## Episode Name.m4v

Now, iTunes can still locate and play the files without problem and the other apps can correctly see and catalogue the shows and pick up metadata etc. Trouble now though is that Tunespan is throwing up a ? next to each file as it clearly thinks the original files it spanned have gone.

Is there anything I can do to relink TS to the the new files?

I did all the renaming with an app. I'm guessing there's no way I could / should have done it from within TS?

Replies (3)


What do you have to do to get a question answered? All well and good having a support forum but if the question just sits there what's the point? Cut it some slack given it was Christmas and New Year but this is 2 weeks old now.


Thanks for checking back in. I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you on this sooner, I'm not sure how I missed this post.

Using the Locate Missing Files tool in the Tools menu in TuneSpan should do the trick.

Please let me know if that works.


OK. I'll give that a try. It won't be a problem that the missing files have all been renamed (e.g. not in the original Tunespan / iTunes naming convention)?


It should work just fine. That's the scenario the tool was made for :-)


Great thanks. Worked a treat :)

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