Multiple iTunes Libraries on different drives

Harold Verdun shared this question 11 years ago
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I have an itunes library on the hard drive(Mac) and another library on a USB connected drive. I can access either library via the altC command when starting iTunes but Tunespan does not recognize the USB connected library even though it does see it. I receive the message it is not readable or writeable and I am not offered any options except try again or chosse another library. I even set the main library via iTunes preferences to the USB library but Tunespan still looks for and loads the hard drive library. Probably an easy fix but I do not know what to do. Harold

Replies (1)


Thanks for getting in touch, sorry you've run into an issue with TuneSpan.

Are you loading the iTunes Library from the USB drive in TuneSpan by holding the Option key while TuneSpan launches and selecting the separate iTunes Library location?

You should be able to select any library location through TuneSpan in that way.

Did you see an "Allow Access" sheet come up after selecting the library location? Have you allowed TuneSpan to access your files?

It may help for me to see a screenshot of the alert you are seeing.

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