I can't brows my movies

Omar Alamoudi shared this problem 12 years ago

After running TuneSpan, I can't browse my movies as the software jams.

I just bought it and its getting frustrating.

Please help

Replies (3)


I'm sorry for this issue. This is most likely because of loading album artwork. I have noticed that it can take longer to load album artwork for movies.

Currently, TuneSpan retrieves artwork through iTunes rather than using Quick Look, which is something I hope to improve on in the future.

The quick fix that I could do in the near future would be to add a toggle whether TuneSpan should load artwork at all.

For you in the very short term, I know it may be annoying... but you can browse TuneSpan while iTunes in NOT running, and therefore will not load album artwork. Then, TuneSpan should be very responsive when not loading lots of artwork in the background.

If you are experiencing this kind of slowness while iTunes is not running, than it is a bug that doesn't have to do with artwork and is something that I would like to know more about and investigate further.

Again, I am sorry for this issue, I will look into ways to resolve this issue in the short term... other than you as the user not running iTunes simultaneously.


Just wanted to check back on this issue, have you found a solution?

Were you originally referring to TuneSpan jamming up or iTunes?


TuneSpan version 1.0.3, just released on the Mac App Store adds a toggle to be able to hide or show Album Artwork, even if iTunes is running.

So, you can hide Album Artwork while browsing movies and it should be very snappy. I know this is a stop-gap fix, but it is here now and I will work towards a better solution in the future. Marking this as solved for now.

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