Adding media with TuneSpan without moving

Thomas shared this question 9 years ago


I have all my itunes compatible audiobooks on my NAS.

Can I use TuneSpan to add these audiobooks to iTunes12 on my MacBookAir without moving the files to my iTunes folder?

Replies (2)


Thanks for getting in touch.

This is not something that TuneSpan is made to do. TuneSpan actually isn't aware of any media files that aren't already in iTunes. It's made to only load the iTunes Library information.

But, you can pretty easily add stuff to iTunes without having the files copied to the default iTunes Media folder.

There's a checkbox option in the Advanced iTunes Preferences called "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library"

You can go in there and uncheck that option, and then just drag in the stuff from your external drive. After the stuff is all loaded up and visible in iTunes, just go back to the prefs and re-check that option for normal usage.

But, there's also a cool trick to invert that option for each drag and drop into iTunes you do...

If you hold the Option key while dropping the files into iTunes, then that "Copy files..." option will be inverted. If it's checked, then holding Option will NOT copy the files. Or, if it's unchecked then holding Option WILL copy the files.

Hope that helps. Once you get used to holding the Option key when adding to iTunes, its actually a very quick and easy solution built right into iTunes.

Then, once your media is in iTunes, you can use TuneSpan to move it around to wherever you please, whenever you please :-)


Hi Pico,

thank you very much for your detailed information.

I will give TuneSpan a try ;-)

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