Relocate Spanned Media Folder

Shane Falco shared this question 12 years ago

i was using one external hard drive and have now upgraded to a larger external hard drive. can i move my spanned media folder to the new drive and tunespan will locate it for continued spanning or restoring or do i need to build all of those relationships again?

Replies (8)


The cleanest and easiest way for TuneSpan as well as iTunes is to just use TuneSpan as you did the first time.

From within TuneSpan, select all the tracks currently on your external to span, and select your new external as the span location and have TuneSpan just span them over. That way, iTunes will get updated properly to know the new location on the bigger drive.

You can use the location browser in TuneSpan to quickly select all the media currently on your external and drag it into the spanning queue. If you've spanned multiple media types, make sure to select them all, it may be best to just view the "All" media type.

Let me know if that makes sense or if you need anymore help or advice.

Thank you for getting in touch and for using TuneSpan.


Got it, that worked, thanks for the guidance.


Awesome! Thank you for letting me know you got it worked out.


I'm using the same drive on a new iMac I migrated to. I renamed the external hard drive and TuneSpan still thinks that drive exists and the media is on it even though the other drive is recognized and new media can be spanned easily.

How do I get TuneSpan to realize this newly named drive and forget about the old drive that is showing with question marks in the media locations?


Never mind - I just added the new named drive (same external drive, just changed the name) to the span location and added all the media that was thought to be in the old location (previous drive name) and it updated the spanning library.


Cool, glad you figured it out!

When you selected that new drive name as the span location, TuneSpan detected that the files all already existed there even though they were missing from the location it thought they were. That span should have just updated locations without needing to copy anything and gone very quickly.

Also, if this every happens again, you could have used a built-in (but slightly hidden) "Locate Tracks" option that TuneSpan has.

Before a span begins, TuneSpan always checks to make sure it can find the files in the current location, or also in the new location in the selected span location. But if it can't find some files, you will be warned with a dialog that offers the "Locate Tracks" option.

So, if some files are every missing in TuneSpan again, but it is just because of a drive name change or something, you could simply drag ALL your media to the spanning queue, then select Restore mode. But, were not gonna actually restore it. Then click the "Restore..." button, if you get presented with the normal confirmation sheet to begin the Restore, that means all files were found, if some are not found you will get that dialog and be able to choose the "Locate Tracks" option which uses iTunes to help find the files. iTunes is very good at keeping up with file locations when they move folders on the same drive, or the drive changes names. It's just when the files move between drives that TuneSpan needs to help it out.


Can the tracks be spanned to more than one external drive?


You can't have tracks on multiple drives simultaneously... but you can continue to re-span tracks to wherever you choose over and over again.

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