My "Music" folders name is "Musik"

Olaf Groeger shared this problem 11 years ago

My itunes folder is located on an external drive and its name is not "Music" but "Musik". Thus the folder structure is /Volumes/Musik VMs/Musik. TuneSpan recognizes that folder correctly as location. But when i try to span into that location then Tunespan creates a "Music" folder inside my "Musik" folder and puts the folder to span there, e.g. when is span "Bissen", then TuneSpan creates /Volumes/Musik VMs/Musik/Music/Bissen and not /Volumes/Musik VMs/Musik/Bissen. When i choose /Volumes/Musik VMs as span location than TuneSpan create a /Volumes/Musik VMs/Music/Bissen folder. So either way the folder to span is never spaned to the correct position /Volumes/Musik VMs/Musik/Bissen. It seems that the "Music" part is somehow hard coded.

Replies (4)


Thanks so much for getting in touch. I'm sorry about this issue.

You are right that the "Music" folder name is hard-coded into TuneSpan.

TuneSpan will always create folders for the media type that you are spanning, in this case "Music", but TuneSpan will also create "Movies", "TV Shows" folders, etc.

EDIT: I don't know what I was thinking, I must have been distracted. The folder organization is customizable, and you can choose to not create the media type folders when spanning. Sorry for my thoughtlessness! Please read my next reply for detailed instructions.

I know that I need to start localizing TuneSpan (translating all of it to different languages), but that is going to be quite a huge undertaking to translate all the text in the entire app. That being such a big task, which I can't do own my own, has held me back from having it as a higher priority while there are still other major features and things I want to work on in TuneSpan.

But, nonetheless, there are issues like this one that can be addressed without having to have the whole app localized.

Soon, I am going to begin work on a minor TuneSpan update, and localizing these folder names will be a top priority. Localizing just those folder names without worrying about localizing the rest of the app just yet should be much more manageable. I will be able to pull out the different translations of the words "Music", "Movies", "TV Shows", etc from the iTunes localized strings. So, I will not need to get others involved just yet to help do that translation.

I will make sure to get these folder names translated to at least a few high priority languages, German will definitely be at the top of the list.

Thank you again for getting in touch and for using TuneSpan.

I'm so sorry that I can't offer an immediate solution to this issue, but I can guarantee you that at very least the folder names will be properly translated in the next minor update to TuneSpan, which will be version 1.1.1. But, at this point I can not give an exact deadline for that update to be released.

I hope that in the meantime that you can live with this issue.

But, I'm assuming you are the one that left the review about this issue on the German Mac App Store. Based on that review, it sounds like this is something you cannot live with. I understand that, and I'm sorry again that I can't do anything to solve this or help you with it right now. I hope you'll give TuneSpan another shot when this next update is released with a fix for this problem.

Please read my next reply for a workaround solution to this media type folder translation issue.


Pico, thank you for your kind reply. You're right that this issue is currently a show stopper for me. That's a pity because i think that TuneSpan is a really, really helpful application.

I appreciate your immediate and clear statement. That inspires me with trust and as a matter of course i will be very happy to checkout the updated version when it becomes available. Thank you again for your excellent service.

Now anxiously awaiting version 1.1.1



Sorry I didn't think of this before, I don't know why, I must have been distracted thinking about solving the translation.

There is actually a workaround that could help you use your "Musik" folder instead of creating a "Music" folder instead.

The name "Music" is hard-coded into the media type folder name, but the folder organization itself is somewhat customizable in the Advanced TuneSpan Preferences.

You can remove the "Media Type" from the folder organization from Music (or all media types) so TuneSpan will just create "Artist" and "Album" folders (or equivalent for other media types).

Then, you can span directly into your currently existing "Musik" folder on your external drive without creating a redundant "Music" folder within it, which is sounds like you had tried before without adjusting the folder organization.

So, open up the TuneSpan Preferences and click the Advanced pane. Towards the bottom, there is a "Customize Folder Organization..." button which will bring up the folder organization sheet.

You can edit the organization for each media type in there, and there is a quick button on the bottom left to quickly remove the Media Type folder from every media type.

If you do that, and span various media types, you will want to choose separate span locations for each appropriately translated media type folder.

Please let me know if any of that doesn't make sense, or if that won't work for you for any reason. Again, sorry I didn't think of this sooner!


Haha, that worked. Pico, thank you very much. I'm now very happy. Btw, i have changed my review in the app store.

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