Seagate Wireless Drive 1TB

Willow Whiting shared this question 10 years ago

I just got a Seagate Wireless Plus hard drive I have been having an issue with TuneSpan not being able to span iTunes files to the hard drive (hooked up directly to the Mac computer) Is there a reason why TuneSpan can not span to this hard drive. Thanks

Replies (6)


Thanks for getting in touch. I'm sorry you're having issues with your drive.

But, there's no reason why TuneSpan shouldn't be able to span to this drive.

What issues exactly are you experiencing?

Is it file copy errors, or something else?


Yeah, I just bought this neat device called simply Seagate Wireless Plus. It says that I have to use it as an NTFS format so I'm not sure if this might be the problem. The problem I am having is that TuneSpan doesn't want to span to this location even though I have given it permission several times to do this. It comes up saying that it didn't get the proper permission to write to this hard drive (NOTE: I have Paragon NTFS on the computer so the computer can write to this hard drive)


The issue could be caused by how the wireless drive sets up it's "mount point".

The current version of TuneSpan could possibly choose a location for you to grant access to that's not appropriate and would result in this kind of issue.

This is a problem I've put some work into recently, along with a lot of other changes for a big update.

If you wouldn't mind emailing me directly, I have a hunch that the latest testing version of TuneSpan would probably solve this issue for you. I can send one your way, it perfectly safe and has a handful of other new nice features.

If the new version doesn't solve you problem, then that means there's more work that I need to do in TuneSpan anyway. It'll be good to find any more problems that need fixing.

You can email me with a link through the app, or with


I'm very pleased to say that TuneSpan 1.2 is now available on the Mac App Store which solves this issue, and adds many new features.


I'm having this issue again for some reason TuneSpan decided to stop spanning to my Seagate Harddrive and I'm not sure why.


Nevermind! Mac OS was trying to make Seagate hard drive into a Time Machine Backup. I fixed this last night.

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