Every time I enter in a character, it makes a new note?!

samuelhcohen shared this problem 11 years ago

Let's say I wanted to make a new note with the text "Foobar". I open up NoteAway and start typing... but end up with six separate notes, each with one character in it. I would type "F" and nothing else and it would save that note and start another. Then "o" and the same thing...

The only thing I've done was change the default font. Could that have triggered this?

Replies (15)


Thanks so much for getting in touch. I'm so sorry you ran into an issue.

As you can guess, this should DEFINITELY NOT be happening.

I'm doubtful that it is the font change that caused the problem, but I shouldn't rule it out completely before investigating further.

What font did you change to?

Does it work normally with the default NoteAway font?

Also, what version of OS X are you running?


Hey there... thanks for the reply! I changed it to "Source Code Pro", I'm running OS X 10.8.4, and I did switch back to the default font and it is still having the same issue.

When I first installed NoteAway, it worked great (and I thought it was an awesome app, BTW).

Thanks again!



Thanks for the extra details.

So if it's not the font, can you remember when it changed and started acting weird?

It may be something you set in the preferences, but right now I'm having a hard time figuring why this could has started happening on a whim.

But, I'm gonna be on the road pretty much all day today. I may get a little time to investigate here and there, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to get this sorted out today.


Hi again, so sorry I couldn't get back sooner. But I'm settled now and would like to get to the bottom of this issue.

One question that may be a factor... what location is your NoteAway Library in? Is it in iCloud, the Local Container, or a Custom Location? If it's a Custom Location, where is it?


Aha! That's it!

I had moved the location to my Dropbox folder. I set it back to it's default local location and it's working perfectly now!

Still, it'd be awesome if I could sync it with Dropbox. Any idea what's going on there?

Thanks for your help!



That's great that we've narrowed the source of the issue. But, it's not a solution.

From my testing with Dropbox, I haven't seen an issue like this. It most likely doesn't have to do with Dropbox itself, but possibly with how NoteAway is saving folder access to custom locations.

Would you mind testing some other arbitrary custom location to see if the same issue occurs? You could just move the NoteAway Library to your Desktop or Documents folder.

Also, what version of OS X are you running?


Moved it to the desktop and it still works fine. Moved it back into Dropbox and the same issue. Here's another weird thing: if I click on one of the single character notes, I can edit it just fine. It is only problematic with brand new notes.

Running 10.8.4


This is good information, thanks for helping me test through this and figure out all the factors.

So, it's an issue with creating note files in the Dropbox folder... but, it doesn't make too much sense that it wouldn't affect any other folder locations as NoteAway doesn't make any different decisions for different custom locations. But that's what's happening, so I feel like there must be some other factor.

What is the exact path to your NoteAway Library when its in your Dropbox folder?

Is your Dropbox folder in it's default location (named "Dropbox" within your Home folder), or is that in a custom location as well?


Having played a bit with the Dropbox API (for a project a few months ago), I wonder if it has something to do with the way Dropbox handles new files. As soon as they're created locally, they get registered with Dropbox (it gets written to some kind of index file). I wonder if it's something with that process. When you open a pre-existing Dropbox file, it doesn't go through that registering process.

Anyway... the location of the NoteAway folder is `/Users/MYUSERNAME/Documents/Dropbox/Apps/NoteAway Library`


Unless the file is getting removed and re-added by Dropbox, that registration process shouldn't affect NoteAway.

I would imagine NoteAway is not properly selecting the new note file after it's created, because at that exact moment, it's not finding the file, or NoteAway thinks it failed at creating the file.

Is NoteAway beeping at you as you create these notes? The beep would indicate an error. You could check Console.app and search for "NoteAway" to see if NoteAway has logged any errors.

At the very least, through this testing we've narrowed the issue down to a pretty small bit of code under pretty narrow circumstances. I think we can figure this out and solve it.

Also, I've made quite a handful of changes to NoteAway since the 1.0 version that's currently out. There is a chance that I've already solved this issue without realizing it through other improvements. It may help if I send you a testing build to try this out with so we can confirm the issue still exists and that I'm not chasing down a bug that I won't find in the current source. Also, if I send you some testing builds, we can confirm that the issue is solved once and for all when I figure it out.


Sure... I'd be happy to test! Let me know what you need from me.


Please get in touch with me directly so I can send you my latest build. You can email me at "pico {at} randomapplications.com" or through the Contact Developer links in NoteAway.


NoteAway 1.1 is now available on the Mac App Store!


With Samuels help in testing NoteAway, I can happily say that NoteAway 1.1 fixes this issue.

Marking this as Solved, thanks so much for helping to make NoteAway better!


This is happening for me as well! I am on version 1.1 and this exact issue is occurring.

PS besides that, noteaway is the BEST note app I have ever used. And ive downloaded quite a few. Kudos to you


I've responded to your new post here: https://getsatisfaction.com/randomapp...

I'll have to do some investigating with you to figure out if this is a similar issue or a new problem as this post. It'll probably be clear to discuss things in the new post rather than bring this one back from the dead.

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