Repeatedly signing in is getting tiresome!!

Tech Addict shared this problem 9 years ago

Way back last year I sold the MBP I purchased Tunespan on, clearing it completely and returning it to factory state before passing it on to the new owner.

I then re-downloaded Tunespan and many other apps from the App store to the new machine. All the other apps have settled in fine in their new home on the current MBP, only asking for my Apple ID once, if at all. NOT Tunespan. It seems every time my MBP gets shut down, as soon as I open TS I get a message saying "Tunespan was purchased on another computer, please sign in with your Apple ID blah blah blah".

OK once or even a few times I can accept this but when, if ever, will this app accept that it is now on a machine which is using it legitimately or am I destined to have keep signing in every time I shut the laptop down which will be a serious PITA. I don't have to keep telling every other damned app what my iTunes password is EVERY time I open up after shutting down so what gives with this?

Replies (4)


I'm sorry TuneSpan is giving you troubles. It should not need to ask for a Mac App Store login so many times. It really shouldn't have asked itself at all after being installed from the Mac App Store.

The first thing I would recommend trying is to delete the TuneSpan app (but not any associated files like the preferences or anything) and then re-installing it from the Mac App Store.

After you do this, does TuneSpan continue to ask for a login after restarting?

I definitely understand that would be very frustrating, I hope we can work this out, but I haven't run into this kind of thing before so we'll need to work together to get it situated if reinstalling doesn't work.

Also, are you using a different Apple ID or anything? Do you just have one Apple ID that is logged into the Mac App Store or was TuneSpan purchased on an old Apple ID that you're not using as your main one anymore?


Hi. Just the one Apple ID. Same one I've had for years. And same one I bought it with. When I got the new Mac I downloaded from the App Store and thought that would be the end of it. I'm sure it'll get sorted. I'll get back to you after I re-download, or at least after I've re-booted a few times having done so.


OK. I deleted the app and then re-installed it from the App Store. So far it hasn't asked me for my Apple ID once. I have re-booted the Mac a few times too. Hopefully this will clear the problem. Will report back if it re-surfaces.


Awesome! So glad to hear that the issue seems to be resolved :-)

But, of course, if the issue appears again please don't hesitate to get in touch so we can try harder to get it sorted out once and for all.

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